blog gue kok ancur.
hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahah wassalam aja ini blog haha.mana pake error segala.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Hello everyone did u miss me????
huah udah lama banget ga buka blog.its good to be back :D
hm anyway skrg udah galibur lagi a a a terakhir gue ngepost kan masih libur tuh z_z
hah yasudah sauya tatau mau post apalagi.
disambung nanti ya.
huah udah lama banget ga buka blog.its good to be back :D
hm anyway skrg udah galibur lagi a a a terakhir gue ngepost kan masih libur tuh z_z
hah yasudah sauya tatau mau post apalagi.
disambung nanti ya.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
hai semua ini lagi gak mood posting karna sangat mengantuk
dan H-A-U-S
jam 6 cepatlah datang!!!!
anyway i just want to thank Syifa for promoting my blog:D

ah fotonya burem tp gpplah thanks alot syifa!!!!!
ini blog syifa:
dan H-A-U-S
jam 6 cepatlah datang!!!!
anyway i just want to thank Syifa for promoting my blog:D

ah fotonya burem tp gpplah thanks alot syifa!!!!!
ini blog syifa:
Thursday, September 2, 2010
my list of:summer must have items

you'll need it if youre going to the beach this holiday.it'll be so hot there so i think we're gonna need it.

A floppy beach hat!
yaampun itu yang digambar lucu banget kan aaa
sangat unyu.

you'll need this thing too.you dont want sand in your shoes,right?so go buy yourself a colorful flip flop sandals ;)

a shorts.
and the last one is..

a shirt! buy one just like in the picture above!and combine it with your shorts,i promise you'll look perfect ;-)
well gotta go.have a nice holiday!!
header nya ancur.
ada yang mau bikinin header yang bagus ga?kalo ada bilang ya hueheh :>
via :http://onewaysky.tumblr.com
"remember ladies,he's not your prince charming if he doesn't make sure you know
that youre his princess"
"it's sad when you grow up and realize that there will alaways be that girl who is prettier
that girl is more charming,
and that girl who could win him over in the blink of an eye"
"don't worry,i'll keep pretending everything is okay and that i dont mind us being just friends"
"when you smile,i melt inside"
"one smile from you, gives me thousand of butterflies in my stomach:)"
udah ya,bye
"remember ladies,he's not your prince charming if he doesn't make sure you know
that youre his princess"
"it's sad when you grow up and realize that there will alaways be that girl who is prettier
that girl is more charming,
and that girl who could win him over in the blink of an eye"
"don't worry,i'll keep pretending everything is okay and that i dont mind us being just friends"
"when you smile,i melt inside"
"one smile from you, gives me thousand of butterflies in my stomach:)"
udah ya,bye
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
hai september
hai.selamat bulan september.semoga ini menjadi bulan yang lucky ._.
semoga di bulan ini tdkadalgorgphp
semoga di bulan ini tdkadalgorgphp
Monday, August 30, 2010
best buds
hey semua. mau tahu kalo disklh saya main sama siapa aja?ini makhluk makhluknya:

itu Tami.
dia unyu?oh sangat unyu. -hhh.abaikan
dan dia dipanggil mort oleh anya.
mau tau mort? ini dia:

mirip?iya.malahan SANGAT MIRIP engga deng boong
oh ya terus ini

itu aprilia.bocin.embak *CANDABOCINCANDACANDACANDA
nah terus menurut anya dia mirip...

anak anjing ~
eh tp anya ada benernya juga itu matanya mirip wakak kaya orang yang di amplop angpao
nah terus ada juga namanya babol:

kata anya dia itu
babi kristen.peace bol itu kan yang ngatain anya ehtapi lucu ya babi kristen wakak :D
pengen ngasih fotonya tapi bingung search nya apa masa "christian pig" hahah gaklucu kan=_=
oke itu saja semoga bermanfaat ._.

itu Tami.
dia unyu?oh sangat unyu. -hhh.abaikan
dan dia dipanggil mort oleh anya.
mau tau mort? ini dia:

mirip?iya.malahan SANGAT MIRIP engga deng boong
oh ya terus ini

itu aprilia.bocin.embak *CANDABOCINCANDACANDACANDA
nah terus menurut anya dia mirip...

anak anjing ~
eh tp anya ada benernya juga itu matanya mirip wakak kaya orang yang di amplop angpao
nah terus ada juga namanya babol:

kata anya dia itu
babi kristen.peace bol itu kan yang ngatain anya ehtapi lucu ya babi kristen wakak :D
pengen ngasih fotonya tapi bingung search nya apa masa "christian pig" hahah gaklucu kan=_=
oke itu saja semoga bermanfaat ._.

aku stress.
aku bingung mau berbuat apa.
new header :D bagus ga bagus ga???bagus dong.
paansih pi kok gak penting?emang
aku stress.
aku bingung mau berbuat apa.
new header :D bagus ga bagus ga???bagus dong.
paansih pi kok gak penting?emang
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Hey hey bloggy wassup?! -hehe abaikan
oke jadi nya ya gue mau cerita tentang kemarin.jadi kemaren ada unlucky nya tapi ada lucky nya juga.
oke mau dengerin cerita gue?engga?good.saya akan tetap bercerita:D
jadi.kemaren pas pagi,kan lulla (my dogi) sakit gitu gara gara anaknya mati :'( katanya tetangga anjingnya tuh mati gara gara sakit jadi mungkin menular.Nah terus nyesek banget liat lulla sakit padahal biasanya dia tuh gokil.akhirnya gue nangis
nah pas siangnya gue nangis lagi
akhirnya kita bawa lulla sama hachi anaknya yg satu lagi ke dokter nah disuntik blabla ternyata anjingnya pada penyakitan terus gue nyesek lagi liat lulla di infus gatau kenapa soalnya ga biasanya liat dia merana gitu -___-
oke akhirnya sorenya ke rmh sodara dan makan makan SKIP
-terus pas otw pulang ada sesuatu yang membuatku fly.
apa pi? ada deh.pokonya sangat membuat fly sampe gemeteran haha gagitu juga ya
oke post ini gakpenting bgt ya?iya.
posted with loads of love
oke jadi nya ya gue mau cerita tentang kemarin.jadi kemaren ada unlucky nya tapi ada lucky nya juga.
oke mau dengerin cerita gue?engga?good.saya akan tetap bercerita:D
jadi.kemaren pas pagi,kan lulla (my dogi) sakit gitu gara gara anaknya mati :'( katanya tetangga anjingnya tuh mati gara gara sakit jadi mungkin menular.Nah terus nyesek banget liat lulla sakit padahal biasanya dia tuh gokil.akhirnya gue nangis
nah pas siangnya gue nangis lagi
akhirnya kita bawa lulla sama hachi anaknya yg satu lagi ke dokter nah disuntik blabla ternyata anjingnya pada penyakitan terus gue nyesek lagi liat lulla di infus gatau kenapa soalnya ga biasanya liat dia merana gitu -___-
oke akhirnya sorenya ke rmh sodara dan makan makan SKIP
-terus pas otw pulang ada sesuatu yang membuatku fly.
apa pi? ada deh.pokonya sangat membuat fly sampe gemeteran haha gagitu juga ya
oke post ini gakpenting bgt ya?iya.
posted with loads of love
Friday, August 20, 2010
hey watch out you are now talkin with a girl with braces!
apaansi sok serem.
nah jadi gini mau tau ga sejarahnya aku bisa pakai behel? :B
kan rencananya tuh bukan kemaren pake behel nya.pengen periksa doang terus kata dokternya bisa langsung pake hari itu juga -_______________________-
nah terus aku dan ibuku berbuka puasa dulu di pizza hut dan makan yg banyak gapenting ya skipppp
terus abis itu kita ngantri kan ternyata pas balik ke dokter gigi udah rame banget -,- skip
terus masuk dan masang behel dan cabut gigi gue yang besi huaa i'll misss you my bling bling teeth ;-))
dan jadi sekarang saya pakai behel and i look so ugly ;)
posted with loads of love,

apaansi sok serem.
nah jadi gini mau tau ga sejarahnya aku bisa pakai behel? :B
kan rencananya tuh bukan kemaren pake behel nya.pengen periksa doang terus kata dokternya bisa langsung pake hari itu juga -_______________________-
nah terus aku dan ibuku berbuka puasa dulu di pizza hut dan makan yg banyak gapenting ya skipppp
terus abis itu kita ngantri kan ternyata pas balik ke dokter gigi udah rame banget -,- skip
terus masuk dan masang behel dan cabut gigi gue yang besi huaa i'll misss you my bling bling teeth ;-))
dan jadi sekarang saya pakai behel and i look so ugly ;)
posted with loads of love,

masa kemaren itu hari yang sangat lucky!mau tau kenapa?
ada deh :)
HAHAHA pokonya kejadiannya membuat gue senang wakak
nah sebelum ada kejadian itu si bocin masa download lagu susis haha #gapenting #abaikan
nah terus dia dengerin gitu njrrr gila kan bocin tergila gila dengan sule <3
nah terus terus siangnya itu kita ansamble
nah pas ansamble sih ga ada cerita tapi tumben pak parjo baik banget hari itu *dan sedikit sangat jayus
yaudah abis itu pulang hehe
#POSTINITIDAKPENTING kalo gapenting ngapain di post coba? ngapain aja boyeeeee
hehe kok jayus?haha mungkin ini efek dari behel (?) paansi ganyambung ya yasudahlah byeeee
posted with loads of love and hate
masa kemaren itu hari yang sangat lucky!mau tau kenapa?
ada deh :)
HAHAHA pokonya kejadiannya membuat gue senang wakak
nah sebelum ada kejadian itu si bocin masa download lagu susis haha #gapenting #abaikan
nah terus dia dengerin gitu njrrr gila kan bocin tergila gila dengan sule <3
nah terus terus siangnya itu kita ansamble
nah pas ansamble sih ga ada cerita tapi tumben pak parjo baik banget hari itu *dan sedikit sangat jayus
yaudah abis itu pulang hehe
#POSTINITIDAKPENTING kalo gapenting ngapain di post coba? ngapain aja boyeeeee
hehe kok jayus?haha mungkin ini efek dari behel (?) paansi ganyambung ya yasudahlah byeeee
posted with loads of love and hate
Monday, August 16, 2010
bosen ;s
gue bosen masa
dan gak mood banget buka blogger *_*
sudah ya!mungkin gue ga ngepost untuk beberapa abad.
gakdeng palingan besok udah ngepost ha ha ha
oya dont forget to...........
follow me on twitter @priyankawsh
greet me on msn priyanka0310@hot

bye~ :)see you tomorrow!
gue bosen masa
dan gak mood banget buka blogger *_*
sudah ya!mungkin gue ga ngepost untuk beberapa abad.
gakdeng palingan besok udah ngepost ha ha ha
oya dont forget to...........
follow me on twitter @priyankawsh
greet me on msn priyanka0310@hot

bye~ :)see you tomorrow!
new look!
saya abis merenovasi blog nih -__-
jadi bagus bgt ya.....cnd
oke i hope you guys like my new blog look :D
saya abis merenovasi blog nih -__-
jadi bagus bgt ya.....cnd
oke i hope you guys like my new blog look :D
selamat hari kemerdekaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hai semua hari ini tanggal berapa?
yap benar hari ini 17 agustus !dan tepat 65 tahun yang lalu indonesia merdeka :')

nah jadinya ya tadi di sekolah ada upacara.terus gue aus setengah mati .*padahal gue duduk tapi tetep aus* =)
nah yasudah lah itu saja.selamat hari kemerdekaan ya! ;) #INDONESIA65!
posted with loads of love,
priyanka :D
yap benar hari ini 17 agustus !dan tepat 65 tahun yang lalu indonesia merdeka :')

nah jadinya ya tadi di sekolah ada upacara.terus gue aus setengah mati .*padahal gue duduk tapi tetep aus* =)
nah yasudah lah itu saja.selamat hari kemerdekaan ya! ;) #INDONESIA65!
posted with loads of love,
priyanka :D
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
lagu chiki
eh eh tau ga
jadi kan kemaren main di rumah nanad
terus..si nanad tuh makan chiki wakaka
nah setelah diselidiki,chiki itu ada lagunya... kaya gini:

jadi kan kemaren main di rumah nanad
terus..si nanad tuh makan chiki wakaka
nah setelah diselidiki,chiki itu ada lagunya... kaya gini:
chiki teman kita yang paling disuka
chiki kesukaan kita semua
asyik rasanya boleh dicoba
saat kita senang semua gembira
saya suka chiki
semua suka chiki
semua riang gembira
posted with loads of love,
top 5 songs-according to me
1.who'd have known-lily allen.click here to download
2.hot n cold-Katy perry
3.your love is my drug-Ke$ha
4.Airplanes-hayley w ft b.o.b
5.Make damn sure-taking back sunday
posted with loads of love,
posted with loads of love,
At nadyawn's
aku di rumah @nadyawn
tau ga kita bosan tidak tau mau main apa omegle tidakada yg ckp huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh
apa yg harus kami perbuat sekarang?
(/'_')/ \('_'\)
posted with loads of love.
Friday, July 16, 2010
random pics that i love;)
rencana hari ini
hari ini rencananya main di rumah nanad!tp dia mau ke rumah eyg nya dulu 0_o ayo dong nad cepet wwkwkwkw (?)=_=
header blog trimsy!
tadi abis buka blog tami
dan ..headernya lucu bangeeeee

haha lucu kan ada oreo dan pelangi <3 (?)blabla
follow blog trimsy ya! http://tramiliatrimsy.blogspot.com!
eh abal banget blog?tiba2 blog2 yg gue link ilang.SEMUA!
emang belom banyak sih dan sedikit tapi tiba2 gadget yg lainnya ikutan ilang..
sial nih blogger.
ada apa denganmu?!payah nih,giliran lg mau ngeblog malah errorrrrrrr aaah kcuf!!!!!
blognya jadi makin alay-_-
sial nih blogger.
ada apa denganmu?!payah nih,giliran lg mau ngeblog malah errorrrrrrr aaah kcuf!!!!!
blognya jadi makin alay-_-
eh eh
- gjls-
oke jadi ya skrg..saya kls 8 wuhu bangga gitu?-__- engga juga sih malahan kgn kls 7e;( kelas 8 ribet nih pelajarannya
- gjls-
oke jadi ya skrg..saya kls 8 wuhu bangga gitu?-__- engga juga sih malahan kgn kls 7e;( kelas 8 ribet nih pelajarannya
pelajaran tersulit sepanjang masa
(menurut saya)
males kalee ketemu aljabar aljabaran ckkkkckckckc
matematika itu aduh susahnya kaya apaan deh.ksl =_="
tapi,kita harus berafirmasi yg baik supaya bisa matematika wkwk -_- jadi afirmasilah seperti ini:
pelajaran tersulit sepanjang masa
(menurut saya)
males kalee ketemu aljabar aljabaran ckkkkckckckc
matematika itu aduh susahnya kaya apaan deh.ksl =_="
tapi,kita harus berafirmasi yg baik supaya bisa matematika wkwk -_- jadi afirmasilah seperti ini:
"matematika itu mudah,saya pasti bisa!"
masalahnya gue sering afirmasi gitu kenapa matnya masih jelek coba,ahahahaha!o.0 haxhax
post ini gapenting gila tapi gatau mau ngepost apa lagi,dan blog saya makin abal to the max
Wakakakakkakaaaa gajelaasss yaaaa lebih baik kita sudahi post ini.wass wr wb
post ini gapenting gila tapi gatau mau ngepost apa lagi,dan blog saya makin abal to the max
Wakakakakkakaaaa gajelaasss yaaaa lebih baik kita sudahi post ini.wass wr wb
Thursday, July 15, 2010
turut bahagia untuk ESP!
my mom has a twitter
my mother
she's following me.
gila.ga sih.
ha ha ha
dan .
semua tweets yg saya post lgsg diliat
Hah hah hah hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mother
she's following me.
gila.ga sih.
ha ha ha
dan .
semua tweets yg saya post lgsg diliat
Hah hah hah hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Paul The Octopus Predict The Final - Netherlands VS Spain
have u guys heard of Paul the octopus???
yeah he's a psychic octopus and his job is to predict which team will win in the worldcup.and recently,Paul the octopus picks spain to beat Netherlands!!!!!!!w-o-w yeah Paul im with ya!GO SPAIINNNN!!!!!!;))))
now here is the video of Paul the octopus picking Spain.:)bye
yeah he's a psychic octopus and his job is to predict which team will win in the worldcup.and recently,Paul the octopus picks spain to beat Netherlands!!!!!!!w-o-w yeah Paul im with ya!GO SPAIINNNN!!!!!!;))))
now here is the video of Paul the octopus picking Spain.:)bye
Friday, July 9, 2010
barusan liat http://meetmeprincess.blogspot.com yaitu blog anin.dan melihat ini...

ya ya emang printscreennya burem tapi intinya anin ngepromote gue haha maacii

ya ya emang printscreennya burem tapi intinya anin ngepromote gue haha maacii
5 reasons we want to date justin bieber
HE IS A GREAT KISSER while this may be self proclaimed we do tend to believe justin when he says he's a "great kisser".Although,he says he has only kissed a couple of girls so far.Who knows who could be next?
HE WILL WATCH CHICK FLICKS Justin is too macho for a good chick flick.He secretly likes "the notebook".
HE COULD KEEP UP WITH US ON THE DANCE FLOOR With his dance moves,we would be proud to take him to any party with us.He is definitely one to show off the dance floor!
HE'S GORGEOUS What else needs to be said.Justin makes us go gooey just looking at him!
HE KNOWS HOW TO TREAT US RIGHT On valentine's day Justin tweeted "btw,a real man knows that u dont need a holiday to treat a girl special.4 the right girl u should make every day feel like Valentines;)" Melting much? YES!!!
copied from Justin Bieber forever mag
HE WILL WATCH CHICK FLICKS Justin is too macho for a good chick flick.He secretly likes "the notebook".
HE COULD KEEP UP WITH US ON THE DANCE FLOOR With his dance moves,we would be proud to take him to any party with us.He is definitely one to show off the dance floor!
HE'S GORGEOUS What else needs to be said.Justin makes us go gooey just looking at him!
HE KNOWS HOW TO TREAT US RIGHT On valentine's day Justin tweeted "btw,a real man knows that u dont need a holiday to treat a girl special.4 the right girl u should make every day feel like Valentines;)" Melting much? YES!!!
copied from Justin Bieber forever mag
Helloooo world!LONG TIME NO POOOSSSTT!!! yep,i went to australia and it was sooo fuuunnnn,i loved the weather,the foods,the boyyyss,and even the animals!i get to see koalas,kangaroos ,wombats,and other australian animals.i went to Koala center but sadly ,we cant touch the koalas ,they may bite or scratch.... :(( theyre not as cute as they look!!
then,i get to see KANGAROOOSSSS real close!i even feed them!!theyre sooo cute mwahzzzzz!then i get to see penguins,omg they walk like my brother=)
so,the point is i love australia!i had a blast,i wish i could visit australia next time ;)
then,i get to see KANGAROOOSSSS real close!i even feed them!!theyre sooo cute mwahzzzzz!then i get to see penguins,omg they walk like my brother=)
so,the point is i love australia!i had a blast,i wish i could visit australia next time ;)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
i hate you.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
i dont have any idea on what to post...
so im gonna promote my friends' twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.Follow @nrania.she's awesome cool beautiful kind :D and she's a great friend!! so follow her now!
2.Follow @trimsy she's my buddyyyy .i love to share secrets with her;D go follow her now!
3.Follow @Nabhamigos she's a great friend and a HUGEEE fan of Afgan,Haha follow her now!
4.Follow @syifayk.she's madly in love with Justin Bieber .she's a greattt friend,follow her now!
5.Follow @Fernandoanya.she's a big fan of FERNANDO TORRES ;)cuiung
6.Follow @Jihanbrs.she's fun to taalk with and we used to share gossips on BBM:D Follow her!
7.Follow @Nurulatikey.shes awesooommeee go follow her now!
so im gonna promote my friends' twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.Follow @nrania.she's awesome cool beautiful kind :D and she's a great friend!! so follow her now!
2.Follow @trimsy she's my buddyyyy .i love to share secrets with her;D go follow her now!
3.Follow @Nabhamigos she's a great friend and a HUGEEE fan of Afgan,Haha follow her now!
4.Follow @syifayk.she's madly in love with Justin Bieber .she's a greattt friend,follow her now!
5.Follow @Fernandoanya.she's a big fan of FERNANDO TORRES ;)cuiung
6.Follow @Jihanbrs.she's fun to taalk with and we used to share gossips on BBM:D Follow her!
7.Follow @Nurulatikey.shes awesooommeee go follow her now!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
About A girl
She may not be your dream come true,
She may not be the shooting star you've always wished,
But she will always try to be that one girl you've always needed.
1) She won't mind sleeping a little bit later just to talk to you, the guy she's been in love with
2) You've always been in her prayer
3) She would call or text you, in her busiest time, just to know if you're doing alright
4) She would never get mad at you, because she never wants to hurt your feeling
5) She may get jealous some times, but never get it the wrong way, it means she loves you a little too much
6) She hates waiting, but when it comes to waiting for someone she loves, she won't care
7) She can be your best friend and your lover at a time
8) She always wants you to be happy, even if she is no longer the part of it
9) She always wants you to find a reason to smile, even if she is no longer the reason
10) She may fake her smiles, but never her tears and feelings
11) She remembers every little thing about you
12) When you're near, her heart beats faster and slower at the same time
13) When you talk to her, she can't seem to stop smiling
14) When you hold her hands, her heart melts like never before
15) When you brush her hair, her cheeks blush
16) When you kiss her, her knees go weak
17) When you laugh, it warms her heart
18) When you cry, it bleeds her heart
19) When you're away, she'll never stop loving and missing you
20) When you leave her, you take parts of her, and her heart with you
21) She loves you for who you are, not for how you look
22) She loves you in and out
23) However sweaty you may get, she won't mind to give you a warm hug
24) However annoying you may get, she can never get mad
25) She never forgets every little thing she's done with you
26) She never forgets the times that bring smiles to her face
27) She never forgets the one that flies her high, and it's you
28) She never forgets her anniversary date
29) She loves the way you call her name
30) She loves you.
-Copied from http://www.tiffanywxyz.blogspot.com/ -
She may not be the shooting star you've always wished,
But she will always try to be that one girl you've always needed.
1) She won't mind sleeping a little bit later just to talk to you, the guy she's been in love with
2) You've always been in her prayer
3) She would call or text you, in her busiest time, just to know if you're doing alright
4) She would never get mad at you, because she never wants to hurt your feeling
5) She may get jealous some times, but never get it the wrong way, it means she loves you a little too much
6) She hates waiting, but when it comes to waiting for someone she loves, she won't care
7) She can be your best friend and your lover at a time
8) She always wants you to be happy, even if she is no longer the part of it
9) She always wants you to find a reason to smile, even if she is no longer the reason
10) She may fake her smiles, but never her tears and feelings
11) She remembers every little thing about you
12) When you're near, her heart beats faster and slower at the same time
13) When you talk to her, she can't seem to stop smiling
14) When you hold her hands, her heart melts like never before
15) When you brush her hair, her cheeks blush
16) When you kiss her, her knees go weak
17) When you laugh, it warms her heart
18) When you cry, it bleeds her heart
19) When you're away, she'll never stop loving and missing you
20) When you leave her, you take parts of her, and her heart with you
21) She loves you for who you are, not for how you look
22) She loves you in and out
23) However sweaty you may get, she won't mind to give you a warm hug
24) However annoying you may get, she can never get mad
25) She never forgets every little thing she's done with you
26) She never forgets the times that bring smiles to her face
27) She never forgets the one that flies her high, and it's you
28) She never forgets her anniversary date
29) She loves the way you call her name
30) She loves you.
-Copied from http://www.tiffanywxyz.blogspot.com/ -
-Love quotes-
"Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone."-C.S Lewis
"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. "- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself."-Barbara De Angelis
"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. "- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself."-Barbara De Angelis
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
have you seen toy story 3??
Hey readers have you seen toy story 3??
kalo belom....YOU SHOULD SEE TOY STORY 3
agak menyedihkan tapi bagus .tapi endingnya...nangis parah itu sedih bgt ;(
ceritanya,kan si andy udh gede jadinya dia pengen nyimpen mainnannya di loteng,tapi maalah kebuang sama ibunya.terus akhirnya
mainan2nya itu masuk ke box
nah ya gitu deh cerita nya panjang sampe akhirnya mereka balik lagi ke rumah andy dan mereka disumbangin ke anak kecil gitu;( sedih bgt tapi bagus.MUST WATCHHHHH!!!!
kalo belom....YOU SHOULD SEE TOY STORY 3
agak menyedihkan tapi bagus .tapi endingnya...nangis parah itu sedih bgt ;(
ceritanya,kan si andy udh gede jadinya dia pengen nyimpen mainnannya di loteng,tapi maalah kebuang sama ibunya.terus akhirnya

nah ya gitu deh cerita nya panjang sampe akhirnya mereka balik lagi ke rumah andy dan mereka disumbangin ke anak kecil gitu;( sedih bgt tapi bagus.MUST WATCHHHHH!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010
they are the reason why im on the web EVERYDAY.
Hey readers.ini mac guttenberg. @supermac18
dan dia suka bikin video kocak di youtube.
nah ini salah satu vid nya enjoy it :D
oh ya if you want to see more ,CLICK THIS and THIS thankyou:D
dan dia suka bikin video kocak di youtube.
nah ini salah satu vid nya enjoy it :D
oh ya if you want to see more ,CLICK THIS and THIS thankyou:D
sleepover at nadya's!
hoy readers!tau ga pada hari jumat-sabtu saya..BERMAIN DAN MENGINAP DI RUMAH @NADYARINA!!!!!:) saya sangat bahagia
kita begadang..
ngeliat video @supermac18 di youtube
mendengarkan lagu turbo negro.....
eh omegle dpt org spain ckp tp..Gay.
trs kita chat sm temen nanad bokep gila
udh akhirnya kita tidur dan paginya saya pulang dengan perasaan resah karna hari itu bagi rapot-_- ngerusak bgt kannnn!!
yaudah itu aja. xoxoxo rencananya mau sleepover lg :))
kita begadang..
ngeliat video @supermac18 di youtube
mendengarkan lagu turbo negro.....
eh omegle dpt org spain ckp tp..Gay.
trs kita chat sm temen nanad bokep gila
udh akhirnya kita tidur dan paginya saya pulang dengan perasaan resah karna hari itu bagi rapot-_- ngerusak bgt kannnn!!
yaudah itu aja. xoxoxo rencananya mau sleepover lg :))
Thursday, June 17, 2010
pgn ganti hp:(
hi readers.
kali ini post saya akan sedikit miris dan sendu
tau ga?
ini hp saya kaya gini..

yg di foto sih emg masih bagus.tapi yg punya gue,udh ngelupas2 gila itu hpnya udh dari jaman kpn kali-....- dan gue pgn bgt ganti ini...
gila pgn bgttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gmn dongg tp kl gue minta gemini pst ibu lgsg kaya gini :"enak aja,prestasi dulu dong" ><
haaaa sedih bgtttttttt.
yaudah doakan tahun ini hp saya ganti ya huhuh :d
kali ini post saya akan sedikit miris dan sendu
tau ga?
ini hp saya kaya gini..

yg di foto sih emg masih bagus.tapi yg punya gue,udh ngelupas2 gila itu hpnya udh dari jaman kpn kali-....- dan gue pgn bgt ganti ini...

gila pgn bgttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gmn dongg tp kl gue minta gemini pst ibu lgsg kaya gini :"enak aja,prestasi dulu dong" ><
haaaa sedih bgtttttttt.
yaudah doakan tahun ini hp saya ganti ya huhuh :d
haihai readers apakah kalian ingin mengadopsi monster yg lucu-lucu? click this
jadi disitu kita bs adopt monster2 lucu gitu nah
ini monster
lucu kan makanya just click the link and adopt your own monsterr!!!!c:
jadi disitu kita bs adopt monster2 lucu gitu nah
ini monster

lucu kan makanya just click the link and adopt your own monsterr!!!!c:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
useless post.
tau ga....
bosen to the max.....................................................
bosen to the max.....................................................
habis ngutak ngatik blog
ck gara2 blogspot templatenya baru -baru.bagus ga si?rada maksa gitu sih..ck jd aneh nih sbnrnya pewe sama blogger yg duluuuu =.=
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